Our mission?

At Odyssey Day School, we nurture our students’ natural curiosity and enthusiasm and help develop critical thinking skills that serve them for the rest of their lives. Our vibrant community engages the whole child and fosters social, emotional, academic, and physical development. We know that when children feel accepted, connected, and loved, they gain the confidence to take intellectual risks and become empathetic and imaginative thinkers. Odyssey Day School is a safe and nurturing community which is responsive to the needs of families and promotes accessibility to families at all income levels. Students, teachers, and parents work together to support an inclusive and multitalented population of individual learners who are celebrated for who they are.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Odyssey Day School recognizes that the individuals in its school community are its greatest asset. It also recognizes that its community is multicultural, multiethnic, and multiracial.  Its members present diverse gender identities, religions, ideologies, physical and mental abilities, socioeconomic statuses, and life experiences. Odyssey Day School encourages friendship, respect, and kindness as the commonly shared ideals of the school community by joining with other independent schools to reflect on the beauty and richness that the diverse members of our community bring to our learning environment.

What we do:

  • Create a stimulating environment

  • Have small elementary class sizes 

  • Provide intellectual challenges 

  • Provide enrichment 

  • Facilitate open communication 

  • Focus on the positive

Ongoing Program Initiatives:

  • Create a stimulating environment

  • Maintain a dynamic theme-based curriculum 

  • Differentiate curriculum 

  • Incorporate arts/nature-based education 

  • Promote STEAM 

  • Create project-based learning opportunities

Odyssey Day School does not discriminate in providing services to children and their families on the basis of race, color, religion, cultural heritage, national or ethnic origin, disability, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, military status, or marital status.