Support Odyssey Day School

Your support helps us make Odyssey a special place.


Odyssey’s goal is to give each of our children the best education money can buy. Your support helps make that happen.

You and your families are the lifeblood of the Odyssey community. Your children inspire our teachers and staff to give their best every day. We know many of you volunteer your time as room parents, as board members, as chaperones, and as event organizers. Others will donate materials and supplies to enable Odyssey to use its resources more effectively. We hope you will go the extra mile and help us raise funds for Odyssey Day School.

Odyssey Day School is a non-profit school. We rely on donations and fundraisers to help meet our annual budget.


There are ways you can help raise money for Odyssey year-round. Please take some time to read through all the ways you can help and consider if your resources and networks may be able to benefit our school.

Annual Fund

At Odyssey Day School, we teach our students that they are ultimately responsible for their own learning. And while that may be true, the resources and tools we use to provide students with an outstanding education are not in their hands. They are in yours – Odyssey needs the support of our entire school community, through the Annual Fund, to help us excel in our mission to provide an exceptional education in a safe and supportive environment.

As an independent school, the cost of providing a high-quality education increases every year, and tuition defrays only a portion of our expenses. The gap between the tuition a family pays and the actual cost of educating each student is several thousand dollars. This difference must be made up from other resources, such as Annual Fund gifts.

Please consider making a tax-deductible gift to our Annual Fund today!


Got Books?

Got Books? is an award-winning organization that has been around for eight years and is known in the region for its pick-up vans. You will see their big box in our parking lot. We do not have direct access to books put into the box, but we do get a donation each month, proportionate to box donations. All books collected by the vans are either donated to libraries and schools or sold at the store.